Claim To Fame is seemingly moving forward with a second season!
Though there has not been an official announcement for a season two, they are already looking for another round of celebrity relatives.
Towards the end of this week’s episode, when the show went to a commercial break, they announced casting info.
Get more details inside…
If you have a claim to fame and are related to a celebrity, you could apply to be on the show!
Some of the requirements for the series include: You must be at least 18 years old, be a legal resident of the United States, and more.
When you fill out the casting notice, you will be asked to answer multiple questions about who you are related to, how close you are to them, if you watched season one, if so, who did you relate to the most, and what your gaming skills are like.
Are you competitive? Good at guessing identities of other famous relatives? Would you be good at keeping your connection a secret?
You can apply to the casting notice NOW by visiting ClaimToFame.CastingCrane.com!
ICYMI: Find out the latest spoilers for Claim to Fame season one…
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